Networked VGA Grid User Guide
You are here: Stream > Stream to a media player > Stream content using multicast > Multicast streaming using RTP/UDP

Multicast streaming using RTP/UDP

  1. Login to the Admin panel as admin. See Connect to the Admin panel.
  1. From the Admin panel, click a Channel; the menu expands.
  2. Click Streaming; the channel's Streaming page opens.
  1. Click the Publish drop-down menu.
  2. Choose using RTP/UDP push.

  1. Enter the destination multicast IP address.
  2. Enter the port number through which the audio will stream.
  3. Enter the port number through which the video will stream.

Audio and video use nearby port numbers (<port number>and <port number+2>). The minimum distance between audio and video ports must be 2.

  1. Click Apply; an SDP file is generated and available from the channel's status Status page.

  2. Click the SDP file to download it. If asked, specify a name and location for the SDP file.
  3. Share the file with viewers.