Video grabber extraordinaire: 4K
When we created our 4K capture card, we knew we were filling a niche with a device that that a lot of people were looking for: a portable and easy way to capture 4K video. We managed to hit the nail on the head, and it’s great to see the response from reviewers and publications. So today we’re going to take some time to (admittedly) pat ourselves on the back a bit, but also discuss why the 4K HDMI to USB adapter fits well into the current state of streaming.
InfoComm 2016 – Best New AV Accessory
rAVe Publications gives out awards every year for the best technologies presented at InfoComm, one of the biggest AV conferences in North America. They chose 4K as the Best New AV Accessory, recognizing its amazing capabilities to capture 4K and “it just works” technology.
Part of the reason this video grabber stands out so much is that it packs a lot of versatility into a very small container. Used with your favorite 4K-capable encoding software, such as OBS, 4K can stream, record and capture video at resolutions up to 4K DCI from any HDMITM video source, while automatically downscaling/upscaling your video.
Thanks to rAVe for recognizing 4K as the best new addition to the AV accessory space!
It’s also great to see 4K’s popularity being reflected in all the third-party content we’ve been seeing, such as…
Tech of Tomorrow
A futuristic channel name for a futuristic product. Tech of Tomorrow showed how great 4K works for capturing video game content, especially once he compared the video grabber’s performance to a software-only solution. Where the software-only solution, jumped, lagged, and stuttered through the capture process, 4K captured a huge resolution smoothly and without interruption.

Is Hardware Video Game Capture Worth Paying For?
Nitsam Samarov
Another YouTube review, this was quick and effective. Nitsan covered the grabber’s capabilities and performance specs perfectly – take a look!

Record 4K via USB?? | Epiphan AV.IO 4K review
MrCheesyCam is yet another popular YouTube reviewer with over 30,000 subscribers, dedicated to do-it-yourself video and photography projects. In one of his recent videos, he went through the process of setting up capturing his 4K Panasonic GH4 camera using 4K, and was impressed by how easy it was to set up!

Epiphan Video 4K Video to USB Adapter Capture Stream or Record – HDMI SDI VGA DVI
One of the best parts about the video is that it focuses on more than 4K. The review discusses several different software options and setups that work with the capture card, exploring the best way to manipulate and record 4K. It’s a great video to check out if you’re looking for the best way to take advantage of the full capabilities of your 4K video camera and an 4K.
This detailed review of 4K capture card on the VideoGuys blog goes in-depth on what the device can do. The author talks about 4K’s easy plug-and-play capability, its ability to downscale or upscale to the resolution you want, the difference between UHD and DCI resolutions and gives a few examples of CDNs and other technologies that work well with 4K. It’s a great place to go if you’re looking for an-all-in-one 4K description and review. Enjoy!
Epiphan Video 4K USB Encoding under $400
More to come!
Linus Sebastian, of LinusTechTalks, a prominent commentator on all kinds of technology, has let us know that he’s delving into video recording technology and building an amazing setup using all Epiphan products! Keep a lookout for it! 4K made waves quickly after its release, getting impressive reviews for its power, ease of use and versatility. We’re really proud to have produced something that adds to the short and prestigious list of Pro AV products that people are very happy with and enjoy using, but we credit it to listening to our customers. All the great feedback we got from the people that use our products led to the realization that this space existed and needed to be filled. All the great reviews are here because you asked for it, and now we have it!
Let us know if you have your own feedback, or a review of 4K you want to share!