
Level up your live streams with HDMI-to-USB video capture

A higher tier of video streaming awaits beyond USB. But how can you trade that USB-based webcam for an HDMI camera, like a mirrorless or DSLR? With HDMI-to-USB video capture. Tune into this live webinar to learn what you’ll need and how it works.

  • 48 minutes

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Level up your live streams with HDMI-to-USB video capture

What you’ll learn

  • Epiphan works with your existing AV hardware

    Understand HDMI-to-USB fundamentals

    What do you need to bring an HDMI video signal into your computer? And what does that process look like? We’ll explain it all in clear terms.

  • Know what to look for in a capture solution

    There are lots of HDMI-to-USB video capture solutions on the market. Our expert hosts will arm you with key criteria to help you make the best choice.

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    Discover trusted video capture products

    Epiphan AV.io capture cards are built to withstand even the most demanding applications. Watch live to learn all about these impressive products.

Your expert host

Our expert host will show you how you can step up your live streams with HDMI-to-USB capture.

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