Set up an RTSP announce stream

Pearl can stream using RTSP announce. Viewers can copy and paste the URL of the RTSP stream into a media player and watch the stream on their local network. For more information about using RTSP streaming, see Share a live broadcast stream (HTTP, HTTPS or RTSP).

Setup an RTSP announce stream using the Admin panel

  1. Login to the Admin panel as admin, see Connect to Admin panel.
  1. From the Channels menu, select the channel and click Streaming. The Streaming configuration page opens.
  2. Click New stream and choose RTSP announce. The new stream is created using the default name Stream 1.

  1. Click the stream name to see the stream settings.
  2. (Optional) To rename the stream, click the current name and type a different name, then press Enter.
  3. Refresh your browser if the new stream name doesn't immediately display.

  4. (Optional) Uncheck Single touch control if you don't want this stream to be started and stopped using Single Touch streaming and recording control (checked by default).
  5. Enter the following parameters:
    • The URL of the ingestion point provided by the CDN or media server.
    • Select the Transport type as either UDP or TCP. Consult your CDN provider to find out which transport protocols the CDN supports.
    • The CDN User name and Password (if required).
  6. The CDN provider assigns a user name and password to authenticate the publisher. Contact the CDN provider for your log in credentials.

  7. Click Apply.
  8. To start streaming, click Start or click Start all to simultaneously start this stream and any other streams you have configured for this channel.
  9. Click Delete this stream at any time to delete the stream.

See Start and stop streaming to a CDN for instructions to control streaming from the touch screen or see Control streaming and recording using Epiphan Live for instructions to use Epiphan Live.