Enable CMS and register with Kaltura

When CMS is enabled, use the Admin panel to register Pearl-2 as an encoder resource for Kaltura. After Pearl-2 is registered, you can assign it a unique name that appears in the list of resources when creating an event in Kaltura's MediaSpace. The default name includes the serial number of Pearl-2 to ensure the name is unique.

If more than two other resources are already registered with the same name, you're prompted to choose a different name and try to register Pearl-2 again. If only one resource is registered with the same name, you're prompted to take over the events for that other resource. If you do, Kaltura transfers all scheduled events from that other device over to Pearl-2. For more information, see Reassign a registered resource.

It may take some time for Kaltura to display a newly registered resource, depending on how busy the Kaltura system is when you register.

There are two methods to register your Pearl-2:

  • Using your Kaltura partner ID and administrator secret
  • Using an application token and the token ID

A Kaltura application token can be created from the Kaltura developer website: www.developer.kaltura.com

There are two types of Kaltura application tokens you can use with Pearl-2: an administrative session type and a user session type. With an administrative session token, Pearl-2 uploads event recordings to the respective event owner's account in Kaltura as expected.

A user session token requires the following permissions:


Important considerations for user session application tokens

  • Pearl-2 uploads all events (scheduled and ad hoc) to the user account ID associated with the user token.
  • All event recordings (scheduled and ad hoc) upload to the Kaltura account of the user who created the event if there is no user ID associated with the token.
  • Do not include a creation date for the user session token. A creation date in the token causes Pearl-2 to upload events only to the token creator and restricts login using Pearl-2's touch screen to only the token creator.

Before you begin, you should already have:

  • A Kaltura instance created
  • Either of the following:
    • Your Kaltura partner ID and administrator secret
    • Your application token ID and token value

Enable Pearl-2 as a resource and register with Kaltura using the Admin panel

  1. Login to the Admin panel as admin, see Connect to Admin panel.
  1. From the Configuration menu, click CMS. The Content management system configuration menu opens.
  1. From the Choose CMS drop down, select Kaltura and then click Apply.
  2. In the Authorization method field, select the authorization method and do one of the following:
    1. If you select Administrator secret, enter your Kaltura Partner ID and Administrator secret that you got from Kaltura.
    2. If you select Application token, enter the application Token ID and Token value .

      Ensure theToken hash type matches the hash type set in the application token. The default is SHA1.

  3. (Optional) Change the Resource name that appears for this device in Kaltura. The default resource name includes the serial number of your Pearl-2.
  4. Click Register device.

A calendar icon appears on the touch screen of Pearl-2 to show that Pearl is in CMS mode, see CMS event controls using the touch screen.

What's next

Choose which Pearl-2 channels you want this resource to record, assign the channel to use for webcasting, setup authentication for ad hoc events, and specify default ad hoc event parameters. See Kaltura recording and webcasting setup.