
Using recorders with Pearl-2, Pearl Mini or Pearl Nexus, you can record multiple channels together in a single multi-track file.

Recording multiple channels at the same time ensures that all your recordings start and stop at the same time. After recording stops, you can automatically use one of the system's file synchronization methods to copy the recordings off the server, or you can use our built-in tool to split the file into individual tracks for post-processing.

For important considerations about file size limits when creating multiple recorders, see Configure recording settings, file size, and type.

We do not recommend using Recorders for manual (ad hoc) recordings to the Kaltura Content Management System (CMS), see About Kaltura recording and webcasting.

Topics include:

To change recording settings, such as the file size limit, type, or to add a custom prefix to the file name, see Configure recording settings, file size, and type.

You only need to create recorders for multi-track recordings. For single channel recordings, see Record a channel.