Display and reposition the audio VU meter

When sending a channel with audio over the video output port, you can choose whether or not to display the audio VU meter using the Admin panel. You can also determine the position and orientation of the audio meter.

Audio pass-through, adjusting the volume, and displaying an audio meter are only supported when a channel is the selected video source.

Configure the audio meter for the video output port using the Admin panel

  1. Login to the Admin panel as admin, see Connect to Admin panel.
  1. From the Output ports menu, click the output port (HDMI 1 or HDMI 2). The video output port configuration page opens.
  2. In the Audio meter field, choose an option.
Value Description
do not display No audio meter is displayed.
left top corner Audio meter is displayed at the top left side of the display.
right top corner Audio meter is displayed at the top right side of the display.

left bottom corner

Audio meter is displayed at the bottom left side of the display.
right bottom corner Audio meter is displayed at the bottom right side of the display.
  1. If you've selected a location for the audio meter, you can also select an orientation (horizontal or vertical) in the Audio meter orientation field.
  2. Click Apply.