Pull request from URL such as Singular.Live direct to input

I have recently demoed singular.live a cloud based titling service. On OBS, vMix and TVU it is possible to pull request a url and have the titling appear as an overlay input.

I know that currently it is only possible to connect a machine via Pearl 2 input routing and as a layer for titles.

Is there scope within the Pearl 2 API to implement direct pull requests from urls such as singular.live as an alpha input to Pearl 2 ?



Thank you for the feedback.
This is something we have considered as a future option, but it is not on the short term road map at the moment.
If added it would likely be an ‘Item’ option in the Layouts, just as Input, Images and Text are now.

Hi George. The Pearl 2 has become an invaluable part of our business and we plan to invest in more units going forward. Direct access to cloud based titling would be a great step forward for us. I was looking at TVU Cloud Switcher and I felt it had the same feel as AV Studio Switcher. Of course I love the Pearl 2 and it has become our “swiss army knife”. Thank you for your response, love the live shows you do!