Overall system load: 98%


one of our Pearls is always in “Overall system load: 98%”. It has become unusable. I tried with a factory reset but it not solved. When I try a disk check, the output is:

Started disk check id 1739 on Tue Jul 10 07:00:25 EDT 2018
cannot mount /dev/sda5 /data
cannot unmount /data

Do you think I should send for repairing? we bought it more than two years ago.

Thanks for support!

Hi Roberto,
Can you create a Configuration Preset file (without the System and Network options checked) and send it to us in an email?
This way we can see your setup and help troubleshoot.

I’m going to send it, many thanks. Anyway, at the moment the Pear is not in use, with factory presets and…overall system load: 98%.