Hotspot not working

I have a Samsung S8 using the xfinity network. I am trying to use it as a hot spot for my X2. The SSID shows up but it will not connect. I changed the password but no luck. The X2 works fine on my home WiFi. The hot spot connects fine to my laptop. I do not have another hot spot to try. I am using the advance settings defaults. Ideas.

Does it work if you remove the password all together? I had that issue with a hotspot once.

It requires an 8 digit password

I just found a Hot Spot settings under more on the settings page. It has a
hotspot switch and settings. I set it up with my SSID and password from the
phone. It says that it is active but I still have a device off line on the
main screen.

I got it to work. I turned off the encryption on my S8. Not the best
solution but it works. It is apparently something in the S8 because I
hooked it up to an iPhone and it worked fine. I am still interested in the
difference if any between the two different ways to hook up to a hot spot.

I found the same issue when testing my personally S8. It is something with the Samsung encryption, but I am not sure exactly why.
Here are the results of test we ran on personally staff phones.
Iphone 5s
iphone 5se
Galaxy S5
Google Pixel
Galaxy S7
iphone 6
Nexus 6

Not working at all
iphone 5

Working only with open network
Galaxy S8

Thanks for the info. What is the deal with the two different ways to set up
a hot spot. Is there a difference?

That varies from phone to phone, manufacture and OS.
In some cases it can even vary depending on cell carrier, some carriers restrict hotspot/sharing/tethering.

Generally there should be no real difference.