Set a PIN security code

You can set a 4-digit PIN code to protect the touch screen of Pearl-2 from unauthorized access. By default, the PIN is not set.

If a PIN is configured, users are prompted to enter the PIN code whenever:

If no 4-digit PIN is set when the start screen is in locked mode, simply tap the touch screen to access the configured start screen right away. Anyone can quickly start/stop streaming and recording if the Single Touch control start screen is configured, or start/stop an event if the start screen is configured for Content Management System (CMS). However, no other screens are accessible using the touch screen.

If you set a 4-digit PIN when the start screen is in locked mode, a lock appears in the top right of the start screen. You must enter the PIN to unlock the start screen and access other screens using the touch screen. When you return to the Single Touch control or CMS start screen, Pearl-2 automatically locks itself and you must re-enter the 4-digit PIN to unlock the touch screen.

Set a touch screen PIN security code using the Admin panel

  1. Login to the Admin panel as admin, see Connect to Admin panel.
  1. From the Configuration menu, select Touch Screen. The touch screen configuration page opens.


  1. Enter a 4-digit PIN code in the PIN field, then click Apply.
  2. Record the PIN code in a safe location for future reference. You need this PIN to access the touch screen of your Pearl-2.