Setup Panopto authentication for ad hoc events

Panopto users can create unscheduled ad hoc events directly from the touch screen on Pearl-2 or using the Admin panel. You can set up Pearl-2 to allow users to authenticate using their local Panopto login credentials, their credentials for a third-party LMS integrated with Panopto (like Canvas), and SAML 2.0 credentials if configured on Panopto.

Pearl-2 uses a JavaScript web application to negotiate authentication with Panopto. You must create a new API client ID and add two URL redirects in Panopto for ad hoc event authentication to work.

  • One API client URL redirect is for Pearl-2.
  • The other API client URL redirect is for the web-based Admin UI.

An API client ID and both URL redirects are required to enable ad hoc authentication on Pearl-2.

Before you begin, you need:

  • Admin access to Panopto.
  • A Pearl-2 remote recorder that's registered with Panopto.

Important considerations

  • Record all API client IDs and secret keys that are generated in Panopto somewhere safe. The ID and key cannot be retrieved after the screen is closed and must be regenerated if lost.
  • You can use the same API Client ID to enable ad hoc authentication on multiple Pearl-2 systems; however, you must create a separate API client URL redirect for the web-based Admin UI of each individual Pearl-2 device.
  • Third-party application authentication for ad hoc events is only supported for Panopto.

Enable ad hoc authentication on Pearl-2

  1. Login to Panopto as an administrator.
  2. In the header bar, click the arrow beside your user name and select User Settings. The User Settings page opens.
  3. Create the API Client ID and URL redirect for Pearl-2. Do the following:
    1. From the User Settings page, click API Clients, and then click Create a new API Client. The Create API Client page opens.
    2. From the Create API Client page, enter a unique name for the Pearl-2 API client in the Client Name field. If a client already exists in Panopto with that name, choose a different name.
    3. In the Client Type field, select JavaScript Web Application.
    4. In the Redirect URL field, enter http://pearl/sso and then click Create API Client.
    5. On the New API Client created pop-up, record the Client ID and the Client Secret for future reference, and then click OK. The new Pearl API Client appears in your list of API clients.
  4. Add a URL redirect for the web-based Admin panel to the Pearl API Client. Do the following:
    1. From the User Settings page under API Clients, click Edit beside the Pearl API Client that you just created.
    2. In the Allowed Redirect URLs field, enter http://<device_ip>/admin/events where <device_ip> is the IP address of Pearl-2.
    3. If Pearl-2 is configured for https, enter https:// instead of http://.

    4. In the URL Type field, select Redirect URL.
    5. Click Add URL. The Admin panel URL redirect appears in the Allowed URL list.
  1. Login to the Admin panel as admin, see Connect to Admin panel.
  2. From the Configuration menu, click CMS. The Content management system configuration page opens.
  3. In the Unscheduled ad hoc events section, enter the Pearl-2 API client id that was generated earlier, and then click Apply.