Configure an SRT receiver

To use the video and audio streams that are extracted from Epiphan Connect you will need an SRT receiver of some kind. This can be a software application running on a computer, or a standalone video encoder like one of our Pearl devices, or Epiphan Unify. SRT stands for Secure Reliable Transport, and is an open source streaming protocol designed to deliver secure, high quality, and low latency video across the internet.

What's needed for this setup

  • The SRT URL, or hostname, and SRT port of the SRT source, in this case Connect, is needed if your receiver is in Caller mode.
  • For Caller/Listener modes, you must know which mode the SRT source is using and configure the SRT receiver to use the corresponding mode. For example, if the SRT source is in Listener mode, then the SRT receiver must be in Caller mode. Epiphan Connect extractions use Listener mode by default.
    • Caller mode can only be used for connections with a publicly accessible destination/source, e.g. an Epiphan Unify project. If the SRT port the Caller is trying to use is closed at the Listener destination then the connection will fail.
    • Listener mode can be used to connect with any source/destination (including within a local network behind the firewall), so long as the corresponding SRT port is open to incoming traffic.

On the Epiphan Connect side of this equation, follow the steps under Create SRT output stream with meeting participants making sure to select Listener in the Connection mode section.

Once the connection has been established you should be able to see the meeting participant in your SRT receiver and you can then use it like any other SRT stream. If a meeting participant’s connection drops from the meeting or Epiphan Connect, their video feed will be replaced by a blank screen, maintaining the original resolution of their video feed. This is to ensure that any layouts or designs using that video feed will not be disrupted by the interruption.