Streaming Live to multiple Platforms - Facebook cutting out

We are currently using our Pearl Mini for streaming worship live on Sunday mornings. We have part of our congregation connecting via Facebook live and are sharing the RTSP feed with a share screen feature for others in a Zoom gathering.

Initially, we were using just one channel for all of this and the Facebook livestream was impacted with very low quality and stream health.

So, we have set up a separate channel for each, using the primary channel as the input for each. While I thought everything was working smoothly and the stream health on Facebook seemed stable, our live stream AGAIN had instances where the whole livestream freezes, and then catches back up 5-10 seconds later.

Any ideas?

This behavior would typically be a symptom of network bandwidth. When streaming, the rule of thumb should be 1.5 (but much more preferably 2) times the total used bandwidth of dedicated upload speed.
As an example, if your goal is to do a 1080P stream at 6500 kbps, and a 720P RTSP stream at 2000 kbps, the total dedicated bandwidth of streams is 8500 kbps.

It’s important to also account for overhead and network fluctuation. 8500 X 2 = 17 Mbps of dedicated upload speed recommended to support both streams.

It’s also possible that if you have a firewall on your network, it could be throttling the connection speed which could explain the change in quality and delay