Input/Output matching?

We are in the process of purchasing a newer camcorder for streaming and was wondering when streaming, is it better to match the hdmi input from the camcorder to what your output will be? In our case, we are limited to at max 720/1k bit. Would it be ok to just run the input at the camcorder default 1080p/30 or should I scale it back to 720 or to whatever our output end up. (we are limited to 2 mb DSL).

If your camera has the ability to output the 720P resolution, it will utilize less resources on Webcaster X2. You will certainly be successful with 1080P as well, however Webcaster will do software downscaling which will use slightly more porcessing power.

I have been using the Webcaster X2 for months now, and have the same concern. Sometimes I have solid wifi (or ethernet) and can use the maximum settings of the Webcaster X2 (1080p and 4000 kbps). More often than not, I have weak wifi that swings from 1 to 5 Mbps upload speeds, and I have to livestream at 720p and 2000 kbps.

Let me ask the question another way–Will setting the output of the camera closer to the output of the Webcaster X2 improve the quality of the livestream? Or, conversely, will setting the output of the camera higher than the output of the Webcaster X2 negatively impact the quality of the livestream?

I appreciate the support I’ve received from Epiphan and the community here.

I imagine the quality will be fairly similar. It would either be the camera or the Webcaster X2 downscaling. If I had to guess it might be better for the camera to do this, though it is unlikely to be noticeable.