How-to guides

How to record video using a video grabber and QuickTime

July 13, 2015

How to record video using a video grabber and QuickTime image

Epiphan’s video grabbers make it easy to record video from multiple DVI, HDMI™, and VGA outputs using third-party software, for example, Quick Time Player. This article explains how to record video from a captured a video feed on a Mac with OS 10.8 and QuickTime Player.


  • A Mac with QuickTime Player installed
  • An Epiphan video grabber (for this example DVI2USB 3.0 is used)
  • The Epiphan drivers are installed (from the product’s downloads page)
  • The video source is connected to the DVI2USB 3.0
  • The DVI2USB 3.0 is connected to the computer via USB 3.0 (USB 2 can be used if USB 3.0 is not available)


  1. Start QuickTime Player.
  2. In the File menu select the New Movie Recording option. New recording window appears.
    record video using a video grabber and QuickTime
  3. Click the down arrow on the black control panel at the bottom of the window. The drop-down menu appears.
    Quicktime- record button
  4. Select DVI2USB 3.0 as your camera.
  5. Select Maximum as the quality setting. Click the Recording button.
    record video using a video grabber and QuickTime
  6. To stop the recording, click Stop. A new window with a playback option appears.
  7. Click x in the window’s corner to close this window. A new window prompts you to save the video.
  8. Enter the video’s name and specify the destination folder.
  9. Select 1080p as video format.
    Quicktime - save
  10. Click Save.